What do I have to do to get a shooters Licence?
All firearm users are required to complete a firearm safety course before applying for their firearm license. Courses are run by the Victorian Police.
Junior Licence
This licence is held by persons between the ages of 12 and 18 to carry or use Category A, B or C Longarms (being Shotguns) or General Category Handguns for the purpose of receiving instruction or engaging in sport or target shooting competitions.
Where can I obtain an application from?
On 25 March 2019, the Licensing and Regulation Division removed manual application forms for new Longarms, Handguns, Provisional, Heirloom and Junior Firearm Licences. Manual applications have been replaced with electronic forms available via the eServices Portal.
Anyone wishing to apply for any of the following categories of firearm licence (new not renewal), must access and complete an application through the Victoria Police eServices Portal:
- Longarm Licence (Categories A, B, C, D or E)
- Handgun Licence (General Category or Category E)
- Junior Firearm Licence
- Provisional General Category Handgun Licence
- Heirloom Firearm Licence
Once an application has been submitted online, applicants will receive an outline of the required supporting documents. These will be based on their selections in the online application. The applicant will then need to post supporting documentation, for example: identification and evidence of genuine reason.
The Licensing and Regulation Division will accept manual paper applications up until 24 April 2019. Manual applications received after this date will be returned to the applicant with advice to complete their application through the eServices portal.
All other application forms for new firearm licences are available to download off the Victoria Police website and completed manually.
How long does it take to approve my licence application?
There is a legislative requirement that a New Firearm Licence Application cannot be issued until 28 days has passed from the date of receipt.
A determination on a Renewal Licence Application will be made within 14 days of receipt.
Applications that are not completed in full, or are missing supporting documentation, will be returned for corrective action or you will be sent a letter asking you to address the issues which will delay your application being approved.
If Licensing Services Division receives your renewal application after your licence’s expiry date, it will be treated as a new application and therefore the 28 day waiting period will apply. You are now unlicensed therefore you are required to dispose of all firearms in your possession.
With all applications please read the instruction pages attached to the back of the application carefully to avoid any delays.